Thursday, February 21, 2008

Register to Vote!

So one other thing Iºve been doing this far as working goes. Theyºre doing a voter registration drive in Chan di Igreja, and all over Santo Antao actually…possibly all over Cape Verde. Anyway, itºs mandatory for all folks to register. Theyºve got a VERY hi-tech set up that includes a digital camera and backdrop to make photo registration cards, a digital fingerprint scanner, inkless signature pad, and a program that generates random letters to serve as a signature for people who donºt know how to sign their names. ^(See photo below)
Anyway, the machine is way out of my technical league and my job has been to go from door to door reminding people that were doing it in town, and trying to talk them into going and doing it. They don’t really see the point though, as, in their opinion, the CV government doesn’t respond to requests for assistance, provide any services, and mostly just spend money on soccer tournaments and building bigger, prettier, air conditioned government buildings. Hard to argue with them on that, but I’m trying.
More on CV´s politics later.

1 comment:

Ais said...

Really enjoyed this post and many of your others. They give a good flavour of life on Santo Antao. I am visiting in a month's time to update my guidebook and wondered if we could meet as I would love to hear your take on things